Real learning is bequeathed from seeking, and seeking is brought forth by asking questions, not giving answers. When you ask a question, you are opening up to a realm of infinite possibilities. But when you are only giving answers, you are trapped in the confines of your understanding. Answers are inhibitors; they restrict the possibilities to the solution offered. Questions, on the other hand, are powerful creators and powerful questions are the harbingers of discovery. A Coach has mastered the art of asking the right questions. His competence lies in eliciting his client into new ways of thinking by a process of enquiry. The outcome of such a process is a refined realisation that can be transmuted into ready action. A facilitator, on the other hand, creates a psychological space that encourages thinking. He influences his group to seek and debate on issues concerning beliefs, values and culture. He encourages doubt. He facilitates a healthy environment wherein members can fre
Traditional digital marketing methods require months of planning and tedious efforts for promoting the business and achieve high conversion rate. Sometimes there will be instances where the plans that were made initially during the digital marketing process will be rendered redundant by the time they get executed. A complex and month-long digital marketing process will not only eat your time but there is a bigger risk of facing failure. The answer to overcoming this challenge is ‘Agile Marketing’, which is a more dynamic and systematic way of digital marketing. What is Agile Marketing? Agile marketing is working out the given project into smaller plans or chunks and achieving each one of them in minimal time frames of a week or two weeks called ‘Sprints’. It can also be termed as an effort based on data and analytics to source opportunities or solutions to problems, conducting tests, evaluating results and implementing decisions. Some business organizations think that they are